Sunday, August 24, 2008

Episode 9 - Care Package

You can catch the continuing adventures of The Robinsuuns: Episode 9 on [ Epic Dolls #49 ] (itunes, Games & Hobbies, Epic Dolls) .

In Episode 9 "Care Package"...
The first crucial meeting between the Draenei and the Alliance was a complete failure. In an attempt to establish some accord with the Alliance forces led by Admiral Odesyus, Azurius, Zuunii, and Illiana have agreed to deliver a critically wounded Night Elf to Odesyus’ landing sit

Monday, August 11, 2008

Episode 8 - When Allies Clash

You can catch the continuing adventures of The Robinsuuns: Episode 8 on [ Epic Dolls #47 ] (iTunes, Games & Hobbies, Epic Dolls).

In Episode 8 "When Allies Clash"...
After a tense meeting, Admiral Odesyus of the Alliance and Exarch Menelaous of the Azure Watch Draenei, have reached a tentative accord. Viewing their meeting from afar, the family, fearing for the safety of the Exarch rush to the Draenei Elder’s defense.

This Week's Special Voice Guest-Stars :
* Sullivan (of as the voice of Admiral Odesyus
Tharion (of as the voice of Exarch Menelaous
Jala'sea (of Epic Dolls Guild) as the voice of Base Elder Megelon

Listen to Episodes 7 and 8 on the Podbean feed below:
